Pavel Surynek's Academic Page | SxLib


Author:Pavel Surynek

SxLib is a small graphic library for X Window System. It was created to serve a graphic engine in some simple game under X Window System. The library provides basic drawing routines for lines, rectangles, triangles. All the objects are clipped before they are displayed in a window.

SxLib was written in C++. The code was optimized to give a maximum performance (sometimes ugly code with many defines and block inclusion). Among the important features of the library belongs the alpha blending applicable to almost all objects and support of textures. For the text output the library uses its own proportional antialiased font which optionally blends with the background.


Alpha blending

Text and texture

Here you can download SxLib:

  • SxLib 1.09  Linux/Unix version

  • Keywords: 2D graphics, anti-aliasing, triangle drawing